Rural Vocational Training Centre is a by-product of the deep concern and selfless thought of Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, India aiming at improving the economic conditions of the unemployed youth in a particular village and to create areas of self-employment. Also it streamlines the youth by helping them to focus and hone their skills, rather than on unwarranted pursuits. Skill training is offered totally free of cost along with free boarding and lodging at selected few centres where the youth do not have access to the centre from their village. Skill trainings are catered according to the needs of the neighbourhood of that particular village by RVTC team.
Why this focus on Youth:
Of the 1300 million Indian Population, 40% are in the age group of 13-35 years, defined as youth in the National Youth Policy(520 million) and, in this age group, the unemployment rate is 13% (67 million) and will grow to 15.5% (80 million) within a year. This rise in youth unemployment is not only because of the direct economic costs, but also due to the social impact of joblessness manifested by increased crime, mental health problems, violence, drug taking and social exclusion are indicators of degenerating society.
To establish a harmonious society for peaceful coexistence, which is Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Sankalpam, SSSSO has undertaken well known activities like Vidya Seva, Vaidya Seva, Water projects, Balvikas etc.
Of all these, Balvikas, Swami’s pet project, prepares the children who would certainly transform this society when they grow up (may be 15-20 years later). The SSSVIP programs, like Medicare(Vadya Seva), Narayana Seva (Annadhanam), protein distribution, housing etc serve the needs for the immediate present. The gap in between of these two i.e. of 15-25 years, when the current youth play a very important part in the competitive society, has to be filled with opportunities for these disadvantaged youth. The SSS RVTC Program (Sri Sathya Sai Rural Vocational Training Center), started in the year 2014, exactly addresses this problem. Though some of these activities have been going on even prior to 2014, this has been systematized in 2014 and so far, 9400 youth were trained with 26 Centers serving across India.
SSS RVTC in Andhra Pradesh:
Sri Sathya Sai Rural Vocational Training Centres (SSS RVTC) have been set up by SSSSO as one of the three National projects throughout the country. In Andhra Pradesh, they are established at Anantapur (Tadipatri) and West Godavari (Pothepalli).
SSS RVTC has so far trained about 100 youth in various skills like Domestic electrical wiring, Plumbing, Pump set repair, AC repair, Tailoring and Maggam works, Tractor repair ,Mobile phone servicing etc.
The trainees have been provided with complete set of Tool kits so that they can earn their livelihood in their respective locations serving the surrounding villages.
New programmes to empower rural youth have been undertaken by providing free vocational training in those trades which are in great demand at village level. These trades are selected based on the information obtained from village survey, district employment office and job placement potential.
Youth wing of SSSSO have initiated several programs like RPL (Reprogramming Lives), Higher Education Projects and Youth conventions to empower the unemployed.
Women Empowerment:
In association with BIRED (Bankers' Institute of Rural and Entrepreneurship Development), several skill development programmes have been undertaken in Advance Tailoring, Maggam and Zardoshi , Beautician Courses etc. in most of the districts of Andhra Pradesh.
***** Jai Sairam
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